Links below are older so they may load somewhat slower. John Piper says that Horae Homileticae "is the best place to go for researching Simeon's theology. The First and Second Books of Kings: James Robertson Publication Date: 1902 Pages: 273. Download(s): Video A Tale of Two Princes. His other works includeThe Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges: The Two Books of the Kings. 1 Samuel; Principle #43; 1 Sam. 1011971B.C. 1Sa 17:48, 12. It will not always be so, for coronation time is coming! As a character study Samuel has few peers; and as a factor in the early growth of his nation he is equaled only by Moses. A Study of 2 Samuel 1-17-27, Davids Transfer of the Ark according to Josephus, David's Second Sparing of Saul According to Josephus,"Tyndale Bulletin48.1 (1997): 93-117, The Return of the Ark according to Josephus,"Bulletin for Biblical Research8 (1998): 15-37, David and Mephibosheth According to Josephus,"Andrews University Seminary Studies36.2 (Autumn 1998): 165-182, Priest And King Or Priest-King In 1 Samuel 2-35 -- Karl Deenick, The Chronology Of Saul And David -- Leslie McFall. Fungus growth in a tree usually is not detected for a long time. 1 Samuel Sermon Notes Prophets When Saul Slings His Spear, Jonathan Gets the Point (, 25. and how to fill in the number of Sauls years in 13:1. Values Past accomplishments for Present challenges. Log In Israel's First King. Cyril Barber -Based on the NEB. As a result there was moral corruption and God warned Eli of the downfall of his house. 29:29). He is also the author of a number of commentaries on Old Testament books. Here he is clear, simple, to the point, and practical in application. General Epistles It is usually taken as Solomon. There are those who think they are "all right.". Civilized nations have failed, as they were bound to do, and they always will fail as long as God is left out. Read again Hannah's prayer in the first ten verses of 1Samuel 2. The name Samuel is from a Hebrew word which has been variously translated as: the name of God, his name is God, his name is mighty, or heard of God. 5:5; 11:11; 12:8; 19:4243; 24:1, 9). 6:25 David begins to move the ark to Jerusalem on a cart, 2 Sam. 22:3-4;Honoring Parents:Adult children are to honor and care for their parents. 1 Samuel 1 The history of Samuel here begins as early as that of Samson did, even before he was born, as afterwards the history of John the Baptist and our blessed Saviour. Habakkuk The Macarthur Bible Commentary (libro En Ingls) - $ 1,400 1). The Steps Which Led to a King (continued) The Life and Reign of David by George Smith, 1867. The people had forgotten God. 1 Samuel; Principle #42; 1 Sam. 7:3, 4), and the judges were dishonest (1 Sam. He defeated the enemies about himthe Philistines, the Amalekites and the Ammonites. As you cannot visit the Holy Land, it is well for you that there is a work like the Pictorial Bible, in which the notes of the most observant travellers are arranged under the texts which they illustrate. F. M. Fearnleyis also the author ofThe Bread of God,This Life and the Life to Come, andElijah and Elisha. Further, Nathan and Gad were prophets of the Lord during Davids lifetime and would not have been alive when the book of Samuel was written. Looking at purpose, authorship, date of composition, and chronology of the text, James Robertson offers practical explication of the text, while giving special regard to the didactic themes. The record of this great man's life is beyond reproach. By: John MacArthur Format: Hardcover Number of Pages: 2040 Vendor: Thomas Nelson Publication Date: 2005 Dimensions: 9.75 X 6.75 X 2.75 (inches) Weight: 3 pounds 11 ounces ISBN: 0785250662 ISBN-13: 9780785250661 Stock No: WW250662 Related Products The Jesus You Can't Ignore: Study John MacArthur $7.49 $9.99 Save 25% Samuel thus is the link between the judgeship and the kingship in Israel. 8:214). 2:12-26;A Biblical Profile:When we select and appoint spiritual leaders, we are to use a biblical profile of maturity. Mp3's, F B MEYER It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. In depth comments, including numerous cross references, Hebrew word studies, illustrations, devotional (applicational) THOUGHTS on many passages, maps, quotes from many conservative sources. Further, Nathan and Gad were prophets of the Lord during Davids lifetime and would not have been alive when the book of Samuel was written. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. You wont be surprised to learn that Davids life offers an excellent example of what discouragement can do to a man of God. Each narrative, based on a specific Bible passage, is prefaced with a short section that outlines the main goals of the story. Major Prophets A Key to the Books of Samuel byR. O. ThomasPublication Date: 1881 Pages: 96. Haggai Colossians Offering direct interpretation through semantics, Geneste seeks to convey the spiritual state of Israel and Judah during this period of time. We can wrap ourselves up in the same packaging every daynice clothes, big smile, friendly demeanoryet still be less than what we appear to be. 4; 7; 13, 14; 17; 23; 31; 2 Sam. Note: MLA no longer requires the URL as part of their citation standard. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1950. At this moment of victory, it was all the more tempting to take the credit for himself. In addition to the internal strife and spiritual weakness there was increasing military pressure upon Israel from the outside. 1 Samuel - Bible Book Summary and Why to Read It - Bible Study Tools 1 Samuel, Joseph Parker - People's Bible - Rosscup: This work, later called Preaching Through the Bible (Baker Book House), is rich in its applications and exhortations, though often not particularly helpful for the reader who is looking for exposition that stays right with the text. Throughout his analysis of these books, George C. M. Douglas pays particular attention to Samuel, as Israels second grandest leader after Moses, analyzing how he stewarded and passed off the three offices of prophet, priest, and supreme ruler through his life and the reigns of Saul and David. Far beyond anything indicated by the small price of this work is its exceeding value for thoroughness of verbal exposition, exegetical criticism, and homiletic suggestiveness.Baptist magazine, . 24:79, 1719). Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. 1 Samuel; Principle #34; 1 Sam. Mark Therefore the inclusion of specific links does not indicate that we agree with every comment. Religion is not just a matter of emotion but also of the will. Everyone likes a true story. 3:1-18;Human Responsibility:We are to take full responsibility for our failures, never blaming God or anyone else. 12:14). Second Samuel concludes with the anger of the Lord being withdrawn from Israel (2 Sam. ''The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and he loved him as his own soul'' [1Sam 18:1]. 4:3-11;Misplaced Faith:We must put our faith in the eternal, all-powerful God rather than in external symbols. Cyril Barber -Combines history and theology in his description of the events surrounding Israel's first two kings. This 1982 update for Moody Presss Everymans Bible Commentary Series is a surprisingly resourceful paperback. Here at Grace to You Europe we take our data protection responsibilities very seriously and, as you would expect, have undertaken a significant programme of work to ensure that we are ready for this important legislative change. Apart from the immediate causes, rebellion against God is the root reason for tragic wars today. The author emphasizes the reoccurring themes of apostasy and reconciliation throughout the text. Enter your email address and we will send you instructions on how to reset your password. Pauline Epistles 2. Samuel and Saul: Their Lives and Times (Or Here) -William Deane Publication Date: 1889230 pp. There is an analytical outline, and a full appendix and index. it is conceived in a teacher's spirit. The Schoolmaster. The MacArthur Bible Study series is designed to help you study the Word of God with guidance from widely respected pastor and author John MacArthur. 23:1-6;Seeking God's Wisdom:When we have to make strategic decisions, we are to pray and seek wisdom from God and His Word. to what our lips say. He ends the period of the Judges; he heads the order of the prophets; he originates the first great educational movement in the nation; he places Israel's first king on the throne, and later anoints David, the greatest of all Israel's kings. We can choose for ourselves; but we may well tremble at the consequences. Cyril Barber A pleasing exposition of the Biblical text. In this treatment of the lives of Samuel and Saul, Samuel is shown to possess an inner Godward orientation that motivated all he did. Roscupp - Vos was Professor of History and Archaeology, Kings College, Briarcliff Manor, New York, In this conservative work he gives a long outline at the outset, then incorporates this in his survey of I and 2 Samuel. Unlike many 'Manuals,' the present book will prove a good help . Not in depth but easy to read. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. The book of1 Samuelestablishes the principle that obedience to the word of God is the necessary condition for a king to be acceptable to the God of Israel. W. E. Barnes(18591939) was fellow and chaplain of Peterhouse, Hulsean Professor of divinity, and examining chaplain to the bishop of London. Samuel the Prophet, and the Lessons of His Life and Times byRobert Steel, 1860, In this study of the character of Samuel, Robert Steel examines how the narratives and characters of the Old Testament, as opposed to the New, present an opportunity to learn from the lives of men like ourselves, with peculiar temptations as well as privileges, and revealed infirmities and well as virtues. Steel works through the books of Samuel in 24 lessons, from his intriguing calling and the labor of his old age. DON ANDERSON PAUL R. VAN GORDER. 1 Samuel Minor Prophets Matthew With what confidence David says, ''Jehovah is my Shepherd, I shall not want.'' Here is a great lesson. 1, 2 Samuel : Bible study commentarybyVos, Howard Frederic. His treatment in 2 Samuel 24 of the two-sided nature of David numbering Gods people is also worthy of attention. Cyril Barber -Pastoring a church with a good seminary library close by enabled Chafin to have access to the finest literary resources available. In view of the significance and possible results of Professor Moultons undertaking, it is not too much to pronounce it one of the most important spiritual and literary events of the times.The Outlook, Unquestionable here is a task worth carrying out: and it is to be said at once that Dr. Moulton has carried it out with great skill and helpfulness. The quiet years of toil with his father's flock remind us of the years spent at Nazareth and in the carpenter's shop. 10:6, 10; 11:164; 16:13, 14; 19:20, 23; 2 Sam. Lamentations The Frailty of the Man After Gods Own Heart, Breaking Out of Doubting Castle and Giant Despair, Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works, 1 Samuel 9:15-27 The Old Judge and the Young King, 1 Samuel 10:17-27 The King After Man's Heart, 1 Samuel 12:1-15 Samuel's Challenge and Charge, 1 Samuel 12:13-25 Old Truth For a New Epoch, 1 Samuel 17:32-51 The Victory of the Unarmed Faith, 1 Samuel 20:1-13 Jonathan, The Pattern of Friendship, 1 Samuel 24:4-17 Love For Hate, The True Quid Pro Quo, 1 Samuel 16:18, 19 Summoned to the Palace, 1 Samuel 17:45 In the Name of the Lord of Hosts, 1 Samuel 20:21-37 The Message of the Arrows, 1 Samuel 29, 30 Mercy of God that Led to Repentance. Also, in relation to David, it is particularly evident that nothing can frustrate Gods plan to have him rule over Israel (1 Sam. The kingdom of Saul was also transitional. Therefore, obedience to Gods word is of prime importance. How? 1 Samuel 15:10-23 The Slippery Slope Of Success. You have reading more interesting than any novel that was ever written, and as instructive as the heaviest theology. Jonathan made an everlasting covenant with David (1Sa 18:3; 20:15,16; 23:18): ''He stripped himself of the robe that was on him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.'' Thats a dangerous state to be in because a discouraged person makes many mistakes. Everything seems right outwardly; but when the crash suddenly comes, the state of the tree is seen. Due to the subtle infiltration of Baalism, the spiritual life of Israel very quickly degenerated into a state of apostasy. 9:1-17;God's Faithfulness:In terms of our eternal life in Christ, we must depend on God's faithfulness, not ours. An Apparatus Criticus to Chronicles in the Peshitta Version with a Discussion of the Value of the Codex AmbrosianusbyW. E. Barnes Publication Date: 1897 Pages: 104. Minor Prophets 31), but in his final moments the Amalekite hastened his death (2 Sam. The first part of David's reign was met with great acclaim by the nation. Willett's commentary is structured to provide exhortation of the text, familiarization with the original language, and an overview of key events found in First Samuel. His accomplishments were many and varied; man of action, poet, tender lover, generous foe, stern dispenser of justice, loyal friend, he was all that men find wholesome and admirable in man, and this by the will of God, who made him and shaped him for his destiny. 1:19-28;Child Dedication:Parents are to dedicate their children to the Lord and commit to teaching them to do God's will. ", Spurgeon comments: "Exceeding meritorious. 1Sa 17:51, 13. For years the author, Reverend De Graaf, led a weekly class for those who taught Bible to children, both at Sunday schools and at day schools. Studies on the Life of David Church Pulpit Commentary 247 pages. 16:14-23;Security in Christ:Though God will discipline us when we persistently sin, we are to take comfort in the fact that it is for our own good and we are secure in His eternal love. It seems best to understand the appearance of Samuel as the Lord allowing the dead Samuel to speak with Saul. The writer avails himself of the labors of English and Continental commentators, so that the reader of this book will have the fullest lights that modern research has thrown on the subject. Traditionally, it has been viewed as a demon. 1 Samuel There is little to which the critic can take exceptional there is much, very much, to edify and instruct the candid reader. . Copyright 2007, Grace to You. Thus, the books span about 135 years of history. Put away your strange gods" (author's paraphrase of 1 Samuel 7:3). 5) What was the identity of the distressing spirit from the Lord? It was the way of human wisdom, not of faith in God. In a very real sense, therefore, he is "the first of the prophets"; and this distinction is recognised in the New Testament, as the following verses shew: Samuel, then, is a significant figure. Recognized as some of the most enduring English Bible commentary, Simons critical work addresses challenges the church faced during the beginning of the Enlightenment. Fourth, the books of Samuel demonstrate the personal and national effects of sin. David conquered the Philistines (2 Sam. DISCLAIMER: Before you "go to the commentaries" go to the Scriptures and study them inductively (Click 3 part overview of how to do Inductive Bible Study) in dependence on your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, Who Jesus promised would guide us into all the truth (John 16:13). In one corner was a shiny implement labeled Anger$250, next to it a curved tool labeled Sloth$380. As the man searched, he found Criticism$500 and Jealousy$630. Out of the corner of his eye, the man spotted a beaten-up tool with a price tag of $12,000. 1 Samuel 15:1-23 Ninety Percent Obedience? Dalbys applications of Scripture to everyday life are eminently readable and enduringly valuable for those seeking to live under the authority of Scripture. 6:6, 7). The Great Shepherd in resurrection. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a The record brings us up to the time when David is ready permanently to establish the monarchy and God is ready permanently to establish David's throne (Psalm 89). David also seems to have shown an inability to rule his own house, as is evident in the rebellion of both Absalom and Adonijah. This lad, who was destined to be Israel's greatest king, spent his youth in his father's fields. This Life of David has supplied a great lack. Spurgeon. 3 John Not only was Israel defeated in the battle with the Philistines, but that heathen people also killed the two sons of Eli and captured the ark. 1 Samuel 19:13, 16 Why did people keep family idols? After clicking 'Register', you will receive an email with a link to verify your account and to complete your registration. Saul, their first king, was a failure. Mathison (Ligonier) -The best intermediate-advanced-level commentary on the first book of Samuel is now the commentary by David Tsumura in the NICOT series. What should we learn from the life of Samuel? This is a reference to the Messiah, the King who will triumph over the nations who are opposed to God (see Gen. 49:812; Num. It was in this context that the prophet Samuel made his appearance, and a most important one it was. He was in the beginning with God. 1 Samuel by John F. MacArthur - Ebook | Scribd The events of Davids life recorded in Samuel foreshadow the actions of Davids greater Son (i.e., Christ) in the future. Davids despair and Philistine refuge (27:128:2), 2. Be successful (1 Samuel): Attaining Wealth That Money Can't Buy byWiersbe, Warren W96 ratings. Of Adonijah, we read: ''And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done so?'' Zondervan King James Version commentary - New Testament. Very expensive to purchase. 1 Samuel 18:1-4;2 Samuel 1:26. 10:6) and victory in battle (1 Sam. This source-critical work by a leading comparative religionist contains an up-to-date evaluation of the archaeological material relating to the period of Samuel and Saul.

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