The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the Book of Mormon in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. And he, like Smith, made outlandish claims without any supporting tangible evidence. There is no more purpose in it. Another thing to take into account is Nemelka has 9 kids. This illusion has existed for hundreds of years and yet Christophers work comes to a near conclusion only 13 years later fully revealing the truth. Mnchen und Umgebung, Deutschland. After all, he, like Joseph Smith, claimed to have personal visitations from heavenly beings. Because he loves all of us, he has a place for each of us, but they are not equal with opportunity and knowledge. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their, shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation., It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. Buy the way, Christopher has called me a "Priest of Baal" in response to a blog post of mine. Not that I will claim you have a halo over your head. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their Book of Mormon shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation.. It is the easy way out. I think this is the most amazing book I have ever read. When the American people ignored the unsealed part, the Real Illuminati recruited me to help them publish the prophesied greater, sealed, portion of the plates. It brings me no joy to have this confrontation with you. Whats happened in this world. It was designed to fit with the free will of an individual and see different sides of the story to fit with their own beliefs. I do understand you arent TRYING to attack me and judge me mercilessly, but just like every other religiously minded person I talk to, after you state this you again say something judgemental. Even if J. Smith made up the BOM or was lead by a spirit to write it. 11 For there was a law that men How can you judge me into the Religious Minded category as if that is a something wrong, yet you are a member of a religion and are talking about religion. This is defying authority outside of your own personal revelation. That interpretation, that can vary wildly, is what can make it dangerous. The only thing constant in his message is, you are not responsible for anything. But when we communicate with our higher selves (the LDS call this the Holy Ghost), we can know all things in faith and humility. Lucifers position is that it is too difficult and we cannot succeed. We need to accept responsibility for each individual and stop letting others decide what is right and what is wrong! There is evil, and it works constantly. You didnt answer my questions. Upon reading The Sealed Portion, these members realized how important the Book of Mormon and The Sealed Portion were to the salvation of the human race. shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, Arguing that Nemelkas book isnt true while the Book of Mormon is is like Arguing that The Hobbit isnt true while the Lord of the Rings is. ;). Nemelka states that, in 1987, while in the Salt Lake City Temple, Joseph Smith appeared to Nemelka, called him as a prophet, and informed him that he is Hyrum Smith reincarnate. It has nothing to do with lying. The Sealed Portion is not claimed to be anything other than a book of ideas and stories that help someone think for themselves and remove prejudice. In fact, during his June 16 message, several LDS members walked out mumbling under their breath as he spoke. Its been around for four years only; so the year after I read,Robert A Clowards Prophesypouting its story on the White Horse Prophesy which would lead any unread soul straight into a delusion they could not their own Salvation by virtue of their Faithfulness. He gives his books away for free!!! Exactly:) please read my post . In my verse above quoted from Moroni, he says when you RECEIVE it, that is when you ask. and partakers of the heavenly gift. Do not confuse standing for what you believe in and the contention it causes as a symbol of its truth, when that contention is coming from you and has nothing to do with the truth that you claim. David Whitmer, Ervil Lebaron, and and Christopher Nemelka (among others) have all made this claim. How about giving them free food and housing and health care and education? Christopher Nemelka comes across to me as a psychopath aka sociopath. Nemelka claims to have special insight into every recorded event in history via two rocks he claims to have in his possession called the Urim and Thummim. It was convoluted when it came out in their little Catholic New Testament this way, The Kingdom of God is within you. Christ taught the people that the universe revolves around you each one of us. Actually, by removing the first 4 above, in greatly enhances personal responsibility. It creates unique challenges and sorrows. But this claim pales in comparison to Christopher Marc Nemelkas belief that he is the reincarnated Hyrum Smith, the brother of Mormonisms founder, Joseph Smith. Christopher Nemelka claims that he has been called by God to translate the Sealed Portion as well as the Lost 116 Pages of the Book of Mormon. Doesnt the LDS church teach murderers and adulterers and thieves and other sinful individuals also inherit a kingdom of glory? Honestly, I am not offended by any of the red flags the makers of this website seem to think are so terrible. The official story is that, while working as a security guard in the Salt Lake Temple in the 1980s, Nemelka had a visionary experience. When you are given an order by, for instance, the president of the United States concerning war time, the LDS church teaches you are not responsible for your actions because you are merely following orders or instructions given by the leaders of your country. I The Book of Mormon is written in the same format as the Bible to get people to pay attention. Religion, politics, and ideologies that instruct others away from self causes the chief misery in this world. I love them as my brothers and sisters. Each book is a greater understanding, the Sealed Portion more than the Unsealed Portion (Book of Mormon). a man was punished only for the Dont think for one moment that there are not people who would gladly exterminate Mormons, or Blacks, or Whites if they had the power to do so. If you believe the Millennium is set aside for temple work and that the administration of angels will fix all mistakes made by mortals before the coming of Christ, dont worry so much for your spiritual brothers and sisters who will all accept Gods plan in the end. Sometimes I am not exactly sure what you believe, but I do notice that you dodge direct questions like the ones above. It is somewhat like gender here as the church describes it. This is largely because of the traditions of men. The works of the group mentioned above can be found and downloaded free of charge at the following websites: They are not of the arm of flesh. I already know what you believe, Im LDS. But the explanation is identical to how Smith created the Book of Mormon. Hell yes, and if you would use that same standard of evidence, so is Old Peep Stone Joe The BOM is a fraud. I know why were here. You call me judge, then you judge me. There are no more illusions like translations and plates, etc. With the understanding that most men do not have the fullness of the everlasting gospel to guide them, most men will not be held accountable for their actions. I expose this book as mischief beyond Cain as he attempted to hide his deed from an all knowing God. I am not exaggerating, I am publishing a book about being the transitional target of that young woman. If you want to know how to spot a liar watch the TED Talk How to spot a liar. You are twisting what is good, putting it on its head, and saying it is evil in defense of a righteous God. Nemelka insists that while working as a security guard in the Salt Lake temple on June 16, 1987, he was personally visited by Joseph Smith and told he was Smith's reincarnated brother. Based on what we both believe, An hour or so later, I went back to my room, and as I lay down and closed my eyes, I cried out, God, please help me to sleepI feel fucking retarded right now. Some good families will no longer have a good home teacher, the church will no longer have a good instructor, and they will no longer benefit from my services I offer because I love them. I fail to see the logic in your position. The often projected belief that men have tried mimicking scripture and always failing is actually false. It is merely something that leads people to judge less and feel more peace about who they are.. What is the purpose of the atonement? Sigue a Christopher Marc Nemelka y explora su bibliografa en la Pgina del autor de Christopher Marc Nemelka en I called for my husband and asked if he had came buckets over me in the night, but he hadnt. This guys doesnt shed any more light on what we already knows, just puts what the church has taught in biblical language. Through me and the message they have instructed me to give to the world, the warnings have been given; and these warnings have been ignored. The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. Missionary work isnt conversion, it is service to others to help them live better lives and make better choices for themselves to ensure their happiness. We may be equally loved by our Father, but he does not equally trust all of us with the same level of knowledge. Instead of establishing a new American religion on the teachings of the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christas presented in the Book of Mormonthe early Americans formed a religion that had nothing to do with these simple teachings. I also have no need to convert everyone or even one. In the past, Christopher has also been known as Christopher Marc Nemelka, Chris N Nemelka, Chris M Nemelka, Christopher M Nemelka and Chris Nemelka. My grandmother had acquired these books from her sister who was a devoted Mormon after she passed away. The stronger Israel becomes, the more the US can do nothing and watch the fireworks from around the globe without being touched, since US citizens dont care much how many troops on both sides perish in the war as long as the US is allowed to appear neutral. But seldom does the Holy Ghost show us things as we want them, instead we are shown things as they really are. I no longer have any interest in or responsibility for continuing to warn the people of this world about what is soon to happen upon this earth. The Holy Ghost works in all places and at all times, scriptures are simply ONE medium by which we can feel it. He accused the church of leading the people astray. My psychopath, would stare me straight into the eyes and lie right to my face while remaining motionless in her upper-parts. The true Christ would not have us worship him or revere him any more than that of another man. It doesnt matter if you wanted to be the craziest person in the world. Again, I have lost all hope in the people of this world. What is about to happen is mentioned in my mentors new American scripture as the result of the fullness of the wrath of God.. This "Bright & Bold Brunch" shoot we got to do for Utah Valley Bride was SO FUN!!! 3. How to incorporate technology for the benefit of all, equally.. There are all kinds of grammatical and spelling errors a whole bunch of profanity and a lot of holes yet to fill in the narrative. That doesnt mean we shouldnt feel sorry or that there are no consequences for what we have done. Ive read it before its been published and I can tell you it is far beyond the knowledge of any religious work and it is deeply spiritual to those with a heart of humility and are as a child, willing to accept something totally new. God is self, who we would be if we werent here in mortality that puts a veil over our eternal selves. They were inspired by the God of this world. Thats why psychopathy comes with the label that the disorder is incurable. And the Lord blessed the land, and they were blessed upon the mountains, and upon the high places, and did flourish. It is hard to tell what direction your argument is going. And because of this, I have found a richness of truth in all cultures and belief systems as the Articles of Faith instruct me to do, and now more then ever I allow others to worship as they see fit as the same document states we should all do. When our forefathers are actually the ones who created misery for the rest of the world after ending their slavery to England. Confusing to me. trust in man, or maketh flesh his In fact, we should not be trusting revelation from ANYONE if we have not confirmed it by the Spirit. We hope thatyouenjoy reading these stories as much as we do. This guy should be locked up for good so he cant hurt any more innocent victims including his poor little children. Treat them as the god that they are. 1. The knowledge that I have has the power to help humans create peace among themselves, and learn things that will allow them to attain a perpetual state of human experience upon this earth. However, these people do not have access to me.). This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14. Thats why he and those who embrace his teaching dislike judgement. Since that time, I have slept peacefully every night and fully recovered from the cancer. She broke her vows with both guys to inflict emotional pain upon them as a way of convincing herself emotions are weak. The Sealed Portion was not made up by Christopher. As many many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA the Mormon church) believe that the Book of Mormon gives divine proof of Joseph Smiths calling, a similar validation is given to Nemelka by his followers. Nor does he reward us equally for our choices. You retain for yourself the right to discern and call the BOM deceptive, but get defensive when the same position is taken by others in disagreement with the Sealed Portion. And so, even in repentance they are mislead. And anytime at any point in history that I want, I get out those rocks and it tunes right into their advanced technology and theyve recorded every event thats ever happened and I can see exactly whats going on., In contradiction to the New Testaments occurrences of Jesus accepting worship, Nemelka claims that this Christ guy does not want us worshiping at his feet. When you understand who he really is, youll learn to love him, and understand him. To those with whom I have shared this planet for the past 60 years, who have rejected me and the work in which I have been involved, I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminati. ) free, but they were all made free, all men were on a equal grounds. I too respect the viewpoint and belief systems of others. Lucifer is the master of judgement. That uniqueness of purpose and desire of experience for that uniqueness is much of the purpose for existence in eternity and what creates happiness and joy (after many sorrows in mortality). We call this understanding the Real Truth. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. For this reason, my personal website has been shut down to the world. It brings them out of following after the arm of the flesh and to listen to the Spirit instead. While they often mislead us, we are ultimately responsible for our own actions. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. That raises the question as to why? Your truth is a book you stated is NOT THE REAL TRUTH. There are literally thousands of interpretations of the Bible, none of which are consistent or logical with the other. That is our temptation in the last days. Much of what your saying about withholding truth and twisting the fullness of truth to excuse the prophets is exactly how Christopher operates. Remember the Lamanite king that converted to the Nephites. The less I slept, the more paranoid I became. Are we not all children of God, and therefore innocent to His true purpose and our obvious offenses toward His laws? Whenever you are having trouble sleeping, pray to Nemelka, like Marilyn did. Behold, my voice I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. We neither should respond to an ATTACK. Thats where agency separates us as individuals. Friday Instagram of the Week! He is the head of the Wordwide United Foundation, an organization that claims it alone has the solution to worldwide poverty and inequality. The Jews feel justified from their beliefs, the Muslims in theirs, and the US feels justified in keeping their own soil safe by funding a war with weapons in the US. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. Christopher Nemelka is worried. There is a plurality of Gods, each one guides an individual human spirit. Ive shared my current spiritual name with you, far more significant than my earthly name. Thats right, many LDS members have taken the anti-Mormon role spreading hate about a belief system they understand little about, they represent well their hate and likely fear of his work publicly. It is an explanation of things as they. I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. Given the choice between peace and life eternal, the people of Earth have been delivered. Nemelka said her family has experienced a lot of emotions over the past year, including anger, fear and uncertainty. One guy kept calling me friend, he was LDS, then hed rub my face in the dirt (or was that mud?). You should read the story of Korihor. And Christopher didnt make it up. In fact many men have, but some truly are inspired and see no light of day in the church. However, these people do not have access to me.). Mormon history is absolutely fascinating. I cannot see your email address. Seller Rating: Contact seller Book Used - Softcover Condition: Good US$ 34.98 Convert currency Free shipping Within U.S.A.

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